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Ijin Hong


June 24-25 2022. Political regulation , institutional effectiveness and the differences of healthcare service performance: Empirical evidence from provincial panel data in China (2004-2020) (With Cao, G.). 18th EASP Conference “TRANSFORMATION OF POST-COVID WELFARE STATES IN EAST ASIA: BEYOND PRODUCTIVIST WELFARE CAPITALISM?”. Hosted and sponsored by EASP-Kihasa-Yonsei University

AuthorsJune 24-25 2022. Political regulation , institutional effectiveness and the differences of healthcare service performance: Empirical evidence from provincial panel data in China (2004-2020) (With Cao, G.). 18th EASP Conference “TRANSFORMATION OF POST-COVID WELFARE STATES IN EAST ASIA: BEYOND PRODUCTIVIST WELFARE CAPITALISM?”. Hosted and sponsored by EASP-Kihasa-Yonsei University
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